Project Info

Project Description

A girl learns that her grandmother has died and suddenly feels like a piece inside her is missing. It’s a feeling she’s never experienced before. Her mother knows the feeling and explains why this little piece of her heart is missing. She also teaches her daughter an important strategy to help her cope with the grief she is experiencing.

Even adults can find it difficult to cope with loss and grief. The feeling that there is a missing piece inside you, as much as it hurts, can also serve as an eternal reminder that you loved and were loved in return.

This is the story of the unbreakable bond that holds a family together – forever. It is intended to bring comfort and support to anyone who has experienced loss, no matter how old they are.

“This book really conveys a heartfelt understanding and empathy about what the death of someone special like a grandparent means to a child. Grief Encounter is proud to include “A Little Piece Inside Me Is Missing” into our grief kits.”
Dr Shelley Gilbert, MBE – Founder and President of Grief Encounter